
Sep 5, 2023

Indie Porter (4/18/2008 – 9/3/2023)
Yesterday, we said goodbye to our beloved Indie. We are devastated and heartbroken. Indie was so much more than just a cat. He was special. He brought us constant love and happiness. He was sweet, silly, loving and unbelievably pleasant. He wanted nothing more than endless cuddles and snuggles. He loved giving head butts, licking your hair, doing crazy cat, and throwing his catnip bananas across the room. Indie was the best brother to Scooter, and also a friend and playmate to Snowey, who unexpectedly joined our family.
Indie was the most loyal and loving companion. There will never be another Indie. Our sweet, derpy boy was truly the best. We were so lucky to be his people. To say he will be missed would be an understatement. We will forever have a void in our hearts from his loss, but we will love and remember him, always.
We love you, Indie.

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