Testimonial from Kathleen Theiss

Aug 24, 2022

This has taken awhile to write because honestly, I haven’t taken losing my boy very well. Dr Tillman was everything we needed for this experience. Having Bud put to sleep at home was the final, best decision we could’ve made. He was comfortable, in his bed and with his people. This process took awhile for Bud, as sick as he was he couldn’t let go of protecting us. He had to make sure we were safe until he literally couldn’t get up, this was really hard for me to watch. He was the sweetest boy, and so very protective over us. I don’t know how long Dr Tillman was at our house for, but it felt like hours. He never rushed the process, he was on Buds time and that meant a lot to us. He did everything to make sure that Bud was as comfortable as possible. He asked us about Buds life and the kind of dog he was. He cared so much and it was very comforting to us.

Thank you Dr Tillman for your kindness. Thank you for what you do and the services you provide. I’m forever grateful to you for those last moments that we had with our sweet boy!

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