Our Commitment to Supporting the Morris Animal Foundation

Our Commitment to Supporting the Morris Animal Foundation

Did you know that a portion of every Caring Pathways appointment goes to the Morris Animal Foundation? The Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization that invests in science to advance animal health. This year we have committed to sponsoring two Morris...

Feel Good Fridays

Feel Good Fridays

We understand that the nature of our work as an in-home end-of-life pet care practice can come with quite a bit of grief and sadness. It is a privilege for us to be able to help pet families during this difficult time and to honor a pet's life through Pet Tributes on...

Caring for Your Senior Cat

Caring for Your Senior Cat

Do you have a beloved feline friend who is entering their senior years? At Caring Pathways, it is our goal to help you take steps to make the final chapter of your cat's life as comfortable and memorable as possible. In this article, we will discuss healthcare,...

Monitoring Your Senior Pet’s Dental and Heart Health

Monitoring Your Senior Pet’s Dental and Heart Health

February is a time often associated with the emotion of love, but did you know it also happens to be National Heart and Dental Health month? What better time to share an article to help support families who love a senior or ill pet and what to monitor for with regards...

Early Care and Planning for your Aging Pet

Early Care and Planning for your Aging Pet

As an end-of-life mobile veterinarian who is also of a certain age (forty one...derful to be precise,) I can tell you that I'm definitely beginning to appreciate wear and tear on my body. I need to take my vitamin I (ibuprofen) more frequently for aches and pains and...

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