Dear Caring Pathways Staff, Thank you so much for the very important service you offer and the masterful, yet sensitive, way you work. This past Saturday we sent our precious cat, Mr. Bo Jangles, off to Kitty Heaven. From my appointment phone call to the loving hands...
It has just been a little over 2 weeks since our sweet cat, Max, passed over the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts are still aching, but we are consoled so much by the kind, compassionate care Dr. Kary Walters gave to our “Maxie Boy”, and to us. She...
Dr. Kim came to us this morning to care for our Jasmine. As I’m sure you know, it is very difficult and in our grief I don’t think we were able to thank her enough and express our appreciation for her compassion. Sadly this is the second time we’ve...
Dear Dr. Joanna, We want to thank you so much for coming to our home on Friday to help our beloved Tucker pass. We had over 18 years with him. He was sweet, funny and brought so many smiles and much joy to us. After so many years we knew it would be heartbreaking to...
Dear Caring Pathways Team and Dr. Lori, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your services. Coming to my home yesterday and helping Alex peacefully cross over was heartbreaking, but ultimately the best thing I could do for him. Dr. Lori, you have a gift and I...